Permaresilience is a company that believes in helping others, not only in teaching and spreading permaculture, but sharing the abundance of profits, opportunities and experience in meaningful ways to lift others up.


Raised For GoFundMe

Bret James join forces with Ben Falk, author of The Resilient Farm & Homestead and Whole Systems Design, to raise money to install a rainwater harvesting system for a community and build a permaculture school in Kenya.

Together and over the course of two separate GoFundMe campaigns, organized by Ben, and promoted by both, we raised almost $6,000 which was nearly double of the campaign goals.


In Scholarships Given

With the world needing permaculture to solve problems, and permaculture education being out of reach for many, PermaResilince provided nearly $12,000 in scholarship into our Permaculture Design Programs to those who were in need and could not afford the training to change their lives and their communities.


Business Mentorship Given

With the world needing regenerative entrepreneurs more than ever, Bret James dedicates some of his (not-so) spare  time to one-on-one mentorships of individuals each year who desire to build a profitable business that also has a positive impact on people and the planet.