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Video Lessons

Permaculture Homesteading Crash Course

The new paradigm homesteader or farmer doesn’t just grow food – they also tend the environment that provides for the food through permaculture.

Find The Perfect Land Using Eco-literacy

An advanced lesson on how ecological literacy and permaculture are tools to help us identify land that matches homestead goals.

Visionary Gardening: More Harvest Less Work

How to get the most yield from your plants using permaculture strategies and maximize the production of small space with a focus on reduce work load long term.

Make A Living Homesteading


finding land permaculture homestead
start homestead no money ebook free
permaculture chicken breed selection guide
raw land development tool list


  • Erin McDonald says:

    For some reason, when I try to open the bonus material (first video), I get an error message 404…? Thanks for your advice.

  • Jesscy says:

    {HHA Coach} Hi Margarita! Can you help me to understand a bit better what your questions are? Did you receive your bonuses? Have you signed up for the course yet? Please feel free to pass on the links to the webinar to your friend. Or have him check out Thanks for joining us on the webinar!

  • Margarita Kam Wai says:

    Jello I signed up after the free webminar on August 9 and I was suppose to get all these bonuses such as the ebook as well as I stay up to the end Hehe . Very excited as I want to know we’re should I start to tackle first . Also I have my friend who is a Plummer would like to signed up for the a we minar too see if it is something he might be interested too . He does not have Facebook but his email is this
    [email protected]
    Thank you

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